Summary in English
This site informs you about smoking, its health risks and about professional help to quit smoking.
There is a lot of evidence about the bad effects of both active and passive smoking on human health. Smoking increases the risk of heart- and circulatory diseases, lung- and other types of cancer, chronic pulmonary diseases and many more ailments. It also diminishes fertility in both men and women. Smoking during pregnancy yields serious risks for the fetus. Children of smoking parents have greater risk to several diseases including airway-infections and inflammation of the inner ear, compared with children of non-smoking parents.
The smoking of so-called 'light' cigarettes tends to increase the risks of the above diseases as well. As due to the lower concentration of nicotine, the smoker tends to inhale deeper and to keep the smoke longer in the lungs.
In the Netherlands every day 80 people die as a result of the ill effects of active smoking. Each week 4 persons die from lung cancer as a result of only passive smoking. Finally 50% of all smokers will die as a result of his/her smoking.
Quitting the smoking habit always yields positive effect, no matter how long one has smoked. Moreover, the earlier one stops, the less the health risk.
An attempt to quit smoking will be most effective if you're well prepared. First of all be convinced of the decision to quit. Review of your motives for quitting is very useful, as well as review of your smoking habit, since it will make clear what your pitfalls are. In case of an earlier unsuccessful attempt it's very important to know what went wrong, in order to avoid the same mistake or pitfall. Stay away from that very first cigarette after you've stopped smoking. Partnering with someone who has also stopped smoking will leverage your efforts as you will provide support to eachother. Quit smoking is working hard. It may be helpful to agree on a reward after quitting. For example: a lunch after you have stopped smoking for 1 month, then a nice shirt after you've stopped for 2 months. Additionally, the first big reward is the money saved by not smoking.